
Michael Jackson, known as the “King of Pop,” revolutionized the music industry with his unmatched talent and iconic performances. Throughout his career, Jackson’s quest for excellence was accompanied by a profound sense of spirituality. This film explores Jackson’s religious beliefs, his relationship with God, and the impact of his artistic endeavors on spiritual themes such as love, healing, and social justice.

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I believe in God, Absolutely.
My music is God's work, not mine.
I try to do what I think God wants me to do.
Michael Jackson


Liana Marabini

I wanted to make a film about an almost unknown aspect of the greatest artist of all time: his faith. A member of Jehovah's Witnesses since birth, Michael Jackson later understood that he could not be part of this group that judged him badly and asked him to stop his art. He then began a spiritual search that led him to read the Torah, the Koran and study Eastern religions. He finally had an approach to the Catholic religion of which he admired the art that characterized it: the architecture of the churches, the beauty of the paintings and the magnificence of the music.